What Kind of Pumpkin Can I Feed My Dog
There are many benefits of pumpkin for dogs! Pumpkin is everywhere. It's delicious, nutritious, and easy to come by. While you're sipping on your favourite pumpkin spice latte, can your dog savor his own pumpkin treat? Turns out, the fall staple is not only a great treat for people (minus the sugar and pastries, perhaps), but it makes an excellent treat and supplement for a dog or cat! One of the main drawbacks of commercial dog foods is that they are often low in B vitamins and fibre. This nutritional deficiency is why most commercial foods are considered to be poor in nutrition. Even if the formula may claim to provide B vitamins, fibre, antioxidants, and other health benefits, it will usually not contain enough to help alleviate constipation or other digestion problems dogs experience. That's why many vets and professionals recommend enhancing your dog's regular kibble diet with additional supplements that offer the right amounts of vitamins and other needed nutrients. In particular, regular feeding of diets high in fibre and insoluble fibre has been shown to help ease your doggo's constipation. This is where pumpkin for dogs becomes helpful in your dog's diet. Dogs are subject to several dietary deficiencies, which can cause significant health problems. Some of the most common are inadequate protein, iron, copper, zinc, and vitamins A, C, and E. All of these can lead to reduced immunity, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Feeding dogs foods with high amounts of vitamins A, C, E and K are essential for maintaining good health, mainly protecting against heart disease, cancer and dogs with a genetic predisposition to these diseases. Though dogs cannot eat only fruits and vegetables, feeding them as a special treat or mixing them in with their protein source is a wonderful way to ensure they're getting enough nutrients. This is where pumpkin for dogs works great! Even baked pumpkin seeds provide an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and E with fibre to help maintain proper bowel elimination. Pumpkin seeds offer reasonable amounts of antioxidants and B vitamins. With so many nutrients packed into one ingredient, pumpkin has a ton of different benefits for dogs. Check out how pumpkin can help support your dog's overall health or be a useful tool in treating acute digestive or skin issues. Take a look at the best benefits of pumpkin for dogs: If you look at the nutritional information for one cup of cooked pumpkin (USDA Nutritional Database), you can see that pumpkin is low in calories but rich in a host of essential vitamins and minerals. Pumpkin, the orange beauty that it is, contains a high concentration of vitamin A (beta-carotene). It also contains a lot of potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure, improves muscle health, and assists in metabolism. It also contains smaller amounts of a variety of healthy nutrients, including Vitamin C, Iron, Phosphorus, Magnesium, and Folate, to name a few. Naturally, canned pumpkin for dogs is a great alternative if you do not have fresh pumpkin in stock. Vitamin A is essential for your eye health, and it's no different when it comes to your dog. Vitamin A promotes eye health and the development of night blindness and other eye degeneration. Since Vitamin A is fat-soluble, pumpkin puree for dogs with a little healthy oil will make the nutrients pack more punch. Mix your pup's pumpkin on top of his regular food, or mix in a little flax oil for a healthy, satisfying treat. Vitamin C is integral for immune health all around. When combined with vitamin A (beta-carotene), E, and other antioxidants in pumpkin for dogs, it can possibly help prevent certain cancers from developing. Antioxidants help destroy free radicals, or "oxidants" in your pet's system, like yours. While oxidants are a natural part of everyone's immune system, too many oxidants can contribute to cancers and damage the body. Boost your pet's immune system by including fresh sources of antioxidants, such as those found in pumpkin. A number of nutrients in pumpkin, including vitamin A and zinc, improve your pet's skin and coat. The high water content in pumpkin flesh also contributes to supple skin and a lustrous coat. In addition to making your pet's coat shine and look fantastic, the added moisture causes the skin to flake less and less hair to be shed on your carpets, furniture, and clothes. You can even try pumpkin for dogs with skin allergies. The nutrients and moisture can help soothe inflammation and heal damaged skin faster, while the digestive boost can help to support your dog's immune system and prevent some of the reactions in the first place. Don't just look to the pumpkin flesh for your pet's health – give him a taste of the seeds, too! Pumpkin seeds and flesh contain antioxidants, and the seeds, in particular, contain a healthy dose of Omega 3 fatty acids. These fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help dislodge kidney stones. In addition, pumpkin seed powder is known to prevent urinary health incontinence, which is the reduced ability to hold in urine. A sign of your dog's good health is whether he is pooping normally. Hard stools or those that are difficult to pass put a strain on your dog's intestines. Adding a pumpkin digestive supplement for dogs to their meals can supply the necessary source of fibre to enable your dog to pass stool easily and cure constipation. Pumpkin for a dog's upset stomach has so many benefits. Adding a little pumpkin to your dog's diet supplies the necessary source of fibre to enable your dog to pass stool easily and cure constipation. Pumpkin for a dog's upset stomach has so many benefits. Did you know dogs can get acid reflux? Yes, they can and you can use pumpkin for acid reflux in dogs! Adding pumpkin puree for dogs through their diet is perfect for controlling constipation and diarrhea. Is pumpkin good for dogs with diarrhea? Yes! Pumpkins have the unique ability to cure both constipation and diarrhea in your dog. Though it may defy understanding, pumpkins have the unique ability to cure both constipation and diarrhea in your dog. If your pet's stool is a little loose, the little benefits of pumpkin for dogs can add bulk and form to your dog's poop. The key is to understand how much pumpkin you should feed your dog, which we will discuss further. We recommend having some canned pumpkin for dogs upset stomach on hand, even if your dog doesn't usually have digestive issues. Fruitables Digestive Supplement contains apple pomace, spinach, tomato pomace and ginger to help boost nutrition and soothe irritated stomachs and nausea. You can also try a dehydrated pumpkin product, like Firm Up! To allow you to make just the right amount as you need it. Though the evidence for this is so far only anecdotal, regular pumpkin inclusion in your dog's diet may contribute to deterring parasites from inhabiting your poor pup's gut. Parasites, such as tapeworms, can wreak havoc with your dog's digestive system and cause unpleasant symptoms including weight loss, nutrient deficiency, dry skin, and a shabby coat. Pumpkin has high amounts of an amino acid cucurbitacin, which is actually toxic to many common dog parasites and has been used to expel worms in ruminating animals. Grinding up a teaspoon or two of pumpkin seeds and mixing them into canned food (or a little canned pumpkin!) is a good preventative measure, but don't skip out on your pet's usual treatment. Pumpkins have a high moisture and fibre content, which makes them a powerful tool for your pet's weight loss. Replacing a little of your dog's regular food with canned pumpkin (a few teaspoons for a small dog up to half a cup with a large dog) can help your dog lose some excess water and weight. Pumpkin fibre for dogs and the additional water in the pumpkin will keep them full, so they don't miss the extra calories. Many dogs fed a kibble-only diet suffer from mild, but chronic dehydration. Dry dog food has very low moisture content and dogs do not possess a very strong thirst drive. This means that getting extra moisture into your dog through drinking can be difficult. But the high moisture content of pumpkin adds more water to your dog's diet easily and naturally. Like many people, dogs relish the rich, creamy flavour of pumpkin. And anyone who has tried to feed a dog something healthy that does not taste like goodwill appreciates this benefit thoroughly. Most dogs willingly lap up even plain cooked pumpkin. But go ahead and add a pinch of cinnamon or honey to that pumpkin puree for dogs for a tasty treat. Is canned pumpkin good for dogs? Canned pumpkin for dogs is not only very beneficial for your dog's health but also a delicious meal topper for dogs. If you want to feed your dog the healthiest kind of pumpkin, then you should buy plain canned pumpkin. You would think fresh is better than canned, but that rule doesn't apply in this case. Canned pumpkin contains a higher concentration of fibre and nutrients compared to fresh pumpkin. How can that be? It is because fresh pumpkin has more water than canned pumpkin, which results in a diluted concentration of nutrients. What's the best pumpkin for dogs? You don't have to buy something specific for dogs, but it is a good way to make sure that the ingredients are safe for your pooch. For the best canned pumpkin for dogs, try an organic pumpkin puree for dogs, like Nummy Tum Tums. Products made for humans can be used, but make sure you check the ingredients. Pumpkin baby food for dogs can be a suitable option, so long as they are 100% pumpkin. Avoid sweeteners, lemon juice, or thickening agents or preservatives to be safe. Also, avoid pumpkin pie filling or other sweetened or spiced canned pumpkin. Stick to plain canned pumpkin for dogs, preferably organic pumpkin for dogs. While this seasonal treat can be a fantastic addition to your dog's complete diet, you must feed the correct amount of pumpkin. It's unlikely that your dog will overdose on any natural nutrient by consuming too much pumpkin. When researching the question, "is pumpkin ok for dogs?" you'll discover that the squash is actually very safe, nutritious, and yummy when fed in moderation. Still, if your dog overeats pumpkin, it could lead to a nutritional deficiency somewhere else or could mean your dog is getting too few calories. So how much pumpkin for dogs is optimal? Generally, 1 tsp of canned (or cooked and pureed) pumpkin per 10 lbs of body weight per day is a good standard to go by. If your dog has a health condition such as diabetes, please talk to your vet before feeding the pumpkin to your dog. As a general rule, treats (including fruits and vegetables) should never exceed 10% of your pet's daily caloric needs. For puppies and very small or underweight dogs, only feed pumpkin in tiny amounts as a treat. Have you ever wondered if pumpkin seeds for dogs are okay? Well if you were thinking, can giving dog pumpkin seeds help make my dog better, the answer would be yes. Pumpkin seeds for dogs are even more helpful than the actual pumpkin itself. Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of vitamins and minerals your dog may lack, such as vitamin A, vitamin B, magnesium, folic acid, calcium, zinc, and niacin. They also contain trace minerals such as manganese, potassium, iron, and sodium. Pumpkin seeds are also full of antioxidants, which help prevent heart disease, stroke, cancer, and dementia. All seeds, though loaded with nutrients, contain phytic acid. Phytic acid is considered an anti-nutrient, meaning it can inhibit the absorption of nutrients during digestion. Soaking your seeds is the best way to remove the phytic acid from raw pumpkin seeds. Here's an easy guide to preparing raw pumpkin seeds for dogs: Soaking your seeds will help leech out the phytic acid. Soaking the seeds in water for about 10-12 hours is the best method. Phytic acids will bind with minerals, so sprinkle in a small amount of salt to help the process. You don't need a lot, only about ¼ tsp for 4 cups of water. After soaking, you need to drain, rinse, and repeat. Much like rinsing the starch off of your rice before cooking, this process will remove the salt and any phytic acid or enzyme inhibitors that have been pulled from the seeds. Spread your seeds out on a baking sheet lined with a paper towel or a clean dish towel to absorb any excess moisture. Let them sit at room temperature for 2-3 hours. This step isn't required, but it will make them easier to chop or grind. The cells of seeds, as well as those of all plant matter, contain cellulose, which is an indigestible fibre. This makes them difficult for your dog to digest. Breaking up the cellulose will improve digestibility and allow your dog to get the most out of this nutritious food. You can chop the seeds with a knife to break down some of the cellulose linings, but the best way is to place them in a food processor and finely grind them into a rough powder. The ground seeds can be stored in an airtight jar and kept in the fridge for up to a month. Note that if you haven't dried your seeds, then your nut powders' shelf life is significantly reduced. Pumpkin puree for dogs is great, but sometimes your pooch might want a crunchy snack. You can feed pumpkin seeds raw, but you might also want to consider roasting the morsels. Cooking pumpkins seeds are a quick and easy task that's fun for the whole family and will break down the phytic acid so that your dog can reap all the benefits of pumpkin seeds. Are you wondering "is pumpkin good for dogs? The answer is, 'yes,' and so are pumpkin seeds! Below are just a few benefits of roasted pumpkin seeds for canines: Also, the USDA National Nutrient Database shows that a single ounce (28 grams) of the seeds provide the following: When feeding your dog pumpkin, don't overlook the seeds! As a potent and highly nutritious part of the pumpkin, pumpkin seeds need to be fed in different quantities than whole or pureed pumpkin flesh. Pumpkin seeds for dogs are high in fat and should be fed more sparingly. One ground-up pumpkin seed per 10 lbs of body weight per day is a safe amount. High energy and working breeds can handle higher fat, so you can increase the amount, but make sure you don't go overboard. Monitor your dog's stool after adding pumpkin seeds to make sure that they are being properly digested. Your dog can enjoy pumpkin in a variety of ways. Many pumpkin treats, canned foods for dogs containing pumpkin, and pumpkin supplements can easily be fed to your dog. For their safety, ensure that you provide your dog only supplements and treats designed with dogs in mind. Simple canned pumpkins can also be fed to your dog, but be careful not to feed pumpkin pie filling or any canned pumpkin with added sweeteners or spices. Cans should be good for 3 or 4 days in the refrigerator, portion out, and freeze in individual servings for a longer-lasting alternative (ice cube trays work perfectly). Store these properly to avoid freezer burn, which can affect taste and nutrient density. You can also make your dog treats from canned pumpkin, but make sure that you include only safe ingredients for dogs in your recipes. Check out our favourite homemade pumpkin dog treat recipes for ideas. You can also feed your dog cooked pumpkin that you make at home. Prick a few holes in a pumpkin and bake at 350F for 45-60 minutes. Cube or puree for a tasty, home-cooked dog treat! While raw pumpkin is safe for dogs, the flavour and texture improve with cooking. Pumpkin seeds can also be fed to your dog, providing many benefits. Soaking seeds makes them more digestible, so the shell and soak your pumpkin seeds overnight. Once dried, they can be ground and added to your dog's meals or favourite treat recipes. Is pumpkin good for dogs? Pumpkin is one of the most healthy foods you can feed your dog. With so many benefits, it is unrivaled by just about any other food choice. It is a versatile food for humans and dogs alike, so why not indulge together! Additionally, dogs tend to love pumpkin, so why not feed them something so nutritious and a treat they love. Does your dog benefit from pumpkin? Let us know how you incorporate pumpkin into your dog's diet in the comments below!Why Should I Feed My Dog Pumpkin?
Benefits of Pumpkin for Dogs
1. Pumpkin is Nutrient-Rich
2. Pumpkin Benefits Eyes
3. Pumpkins Boost Immune Health
4. Pumpkins Moisturize Skin & Coat
5. Pumpkin Seeds Prevent Urinary Incontinence
6. Pumpkins Encourage Digestive Regularity
7. Pumpkin Can Help Naturally Control Parasites
8. Pumpkins Aid in Weight Loss
9. Pumpkin Hydrates
10. Pumpkin Tastes Great
Canned Pumpkin or Fresh Pumpkin?
Where to Buy Canned Pumpkin for Dogs
How Much Pumpkin Do I Feed My Dog?
How Much Canned Pumpkin for Dogs?
How Much Raw Pumpkin for Dogs?
Are Pumpkin Seeds Good For Dogs?
How to Feed Raw Pumpkin Seeds for Dogs
Roasting Pumpkin Seeds
Benefits of Roasting Pumpkin Seeds for Your Dog
How Much Pumpkin Seed to Feed Dog
How Do I Serve Pumpkin to My Dog?
Pass the Pumpkin!
Source: https://blog.homesalive.ca/dog-blog/health-benefits-of-pumpkin-for-dogs
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