Waiting for Love Praying for Love Again

Dear, whether it be familial, friendly, romantic, or self-honey is a precious gift from God. Here are 23 potent prayers for honey forth with printable images to use or share.

Lead Me to the Correct One Prayer
O God, my Provider, I pray that You will guide me into an enduring, passionate, healthy, and committed life-long relationship. Protect me from relationships that will bring impairment or heartbreak. Assistance me to not be so silly with excitement when I meet someone new that I overlook important details about that person which need to be brought to lite Pb me to that special person who is the one You know is best for me. Amen.


Prayer for Wisdom
Lord of Wisdom, exist my guide as I look for love. You know I've passed through a series of dissatisfying relationships and gotten injure a few times, and I've made a lot of mistakes. Give me Your wisdom Lord, because I don't trust myself to make the right decisions. Help me to make wise and informed decisions in finding that person who is the right fit for me to love and be loved. Amen.


Prayer for Discernment
Heavenly Father, You know I'yard new to the dating scene, and in a bit of a shock about information technology all. Requite me discernment as I navigate through a new relationship. Holy Spirit, prompt me to think about important topics to talk over with this other person that volition help united states of america know if we should continue down this path toward a lifelong commitment of honey and marriage. Assist me to ask the right questions and know if I have the right answers. Amen.


Aid Me to Dear Myself Prayer
Dear God, thank You for Your unconditional love. Lord, assistance me to know myself and to honey myself. If I don't feel self-worth, how can I look someone else to cherish me? Help me to develop a salubrious cocky-identity, remembering that I am a child of the Male monarch, created in Your image. Help me know who I really am, what I really want from life, and what I want in the person I will spend my life with. Amen.


Guide Me to a Person of Faith
Father of Lights, please enlighten my path. Guide me to a person I can beloved and who will love me, to someone who shares my core values, whose life goals and passions are complementary to my own, and who will accept me for who I am. Virtually chiefly, may this person share my faith in Yous, and accept morality based on what Your Word teaches, so nosotros can have oneness in Y'all. Amen.


Prayer for Emotional Health to Give and Receive Love
Loving Father, before I become romantically involved with another person, help me to go emotionally healthy, grounded, and authentic. Help me grow and develop so that I can give and receive honey without problems getting in the way. May Your Holy Spirit guide me in dealing with insecurities, learning advisable conflict resolution, and learning salubrious advice in a dearest relationship. Amen.


Help Me Love Well Prayer
Abba, Father, You love me and then wonderfully; may I reverberate Your honey in my relationships with others. Aid me beloved well, dear Father. Assist me to exist a adept listener and to exist an encourager. Help me to give of my fourth dimension and attention and assistance freely. Assistance me to be empathetic and able to perceive their feelings and needs. Help me to treat others every bit I would similar to be treated. Amen.


Heal My Heart Prayer
God my Healer, You know I suffered a lot of pain in my last relationship. Heal my heart, Lord, so I can move on and find truthful love. In this time of recovery, may Your Holy Spirit give me clarity almost the problems in my by relationship, the kind of people I need to avoid, and what I need to change in my ain life to have a healthy, loving relationship in the hereafter. Help me deal with issues like enabling behaviors, or being as well needy, or lacking trust. Amen.


Renew Our Love Prayer
Lord, You know nosotros've been married for a while, and responsibilities with work and children and tending the home proceed us distracted from one some other. Help us to rekindle our honey for ane another. Aid us exist intentional well-nigh carving fourth dimension out for just the two of us. Help the states to non take the other for granted, but be affirming. Assist us communicate lovingly, affect often, and accept fun together. May our union reflect the love between Y'all and Your bride, the church building. Amen.


Prayer to Love Ot hers as God Loves Me
Heavenly Male parent, I am then blest to exist Your child, and that I can phone call Yous "Abba," for You are my loving Daddy! My heart overflows with gratitude. You have made me a partaker of Your divine nature, and Your honey for me is and then wide, so deep – it is across my comprehension. May the truth of my identity in Yous sink deep into my psyche, and bear upon my relationship with others. Dear Loving Father, may I love others as You accept loved me, with compassion and intendance. Amen.


While I Expect Prayer
Dear God, I'm trusting You to lead me to that special someone with whom I tin can relish a loving and enduring human relationship. In the meantime, help me to be content in this season of existence single. Help me call back that my promise is in You lot. Yous are the i who completes me, non my future spouse. You are the giver of all good gifts, and Your timing is for my skillful. May I use this time to develop and grow. Amen.


Prayer for a Husband
Dearest Loving Father, lead me to a hubby who will love me as You love the Church. May his dearest for me be sacrificial, and may he care for me and lead our family in a godly way. May he live with me in a kind and considerate fashion, and prove me honor and respect. May he love me as he loves himself. And Father, may I love him and respect him and exist an splendid wife for him. Amen.


Prayer for a Wife with Inner Beauty
Lord, my Provider, I inquire that You lot provide me with a loving and godly wife. May her life be pure and reverent, and may she be beautiful within and out, giving much attention to developing character and spirituality and graciousness. May she have the deep inner beauty of a gentle and repose spirit, a adult female at balance in trusting her Savior, and at peace with the world. Amen.


Not for the Incorrect Reasons Prayer
Father of beloved, I ask that Y'all lead me to someone to dearest. But may my desire for dear not be for the incorrect reasons. Let information technology non be out of selfish need, or to appease my ego, or from a desire to make my ex jealous. Allow it not be because my biological clock is ticking, or because I feel like I need someone to take intendance of me, or my family or society is pressuring me to be in a relationship. Take me to a identify where my desire for honey is for the right reasons. Amen.


May I Render to My Offset Beloved Prayer
Lover of my soul, please restore me to where I was when I loved You with all my heart, and all my soul, and all my mind. Rekindle that start love in me, where nothing or no 1 held clout over Y'all in my life. I confess that I have allowed myself to be distracted by the things of the world, and I haven't been spending that precious fourth dimension of intimacy with You. Forgive me, Lord, and restore me. Amen.


Prayer for My Spouse to Love Me More
Heavenly Begetter, I come to Yous asking that my spouse would love me more. My loved one is faithful, and dutiful to family responsibilities, and amiable, and yet that passion we in one case had has dimmed. I feel as if we are distant, or just roommates sometimes. I miss those times of truthful intimacy and bonding, when we shared our dreams, and laughed together, and longed for each other's visitor. Rekindle that love and passion in my life partner'due south eyes and eye. Amen.


Prayer that I Would Beloved My Spouse More
Faithful God, I confess that I don't love my spouse as I one time did. I tend to be irritable and critical and demanding. I tend to selfishly desire what I can become out of the relationship, rather than giving fully of myself to my partner. I repent, Lord, and desire to make things right. Please assistance me to exist tender, forgiving, affirming, and appreciating. Remind me to accept an involvement in the things that my loved one enjoys, and assist us turn a new page in our relationship. Amen.


Prayer for a Virtuous Married woman
Most Holy God, I come to You today, requesting that You would atomic number 82 me to a virtuous wife: a woman that is spiritually-minded, holds high ethics, and is pure-minded. May she be competent, efficient, and a hard worker, who plans ahead and accomplishes the things she sets out to do. May her words and actions be kind and out of a middle of compassion. Loving Father, may I also be all these things to her. Amen.


Prayer to Find a Special Person
Loving Savior, because You have poured out Your love on me then indescribably, I long to give genuine love to another. I yearn to honey someone else securely and from a pure eye. I desire to have a special person in my life, someone I tin can be devoted to, someone I can honor and care for with high regard. Male parent, may Your Holy Spirit directly me to the right path to find this person. Amen.


Prayer for a Straying Spouse
Lord of Compassion, I urgently plead for the welfare of my spousal relationship. You know that my spouse has become interested in some other person. Save my wedlock, Lord, for my sake, my children's sake, and most of all, for Your honor and glory. May my straying spouse turn away from this other person, and return to me and our children with a whole heart. Help me to forgive and trust again, help my spouse to love me more deeply than ever before, and for our marriage to be restored to a higher level. Amen.


Prayer for Dear from Someone
Blest Lord, You know that I have a special interest in someone who loves You deeply and has practiced character. So far, this person has a fondness for me every bit a friend, but, if You are willing, Father, please open this person'southward eyes to see me as more. May this person in whom I'chiliad interested be attracted to me in a romantic fashion, and may we develop a relationship that honors You. Amen.


Prayer for a Devoted Husband
Heavenly Begetter, I pray that Yous will ship a devoted husband my style. May he be a human being who works hard and is a good provider, who is not given to acrimony or any addictions, and puts You first in his life. May he be an encourager, a good begetter to our children, and generous with his time and dearest. Father, may we establish a marriage that is built on a foundation of love for You and for one another. Amen.


Prayer to Beloved Again
Loving Father, You blessed me with a wonderful spouse, and we enjoyed many years together. And now I am heartbroken that death has separated us. I deeply desire to have someone in my life once again. I long for beloved and companionship. I long for someone to worship with and share my innermost feelings with. Love Begetter, please pb me to someone who will exist a new soul-mate for me. Amen.


Writer Bio
Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of 2 boys. She has a Main's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing police force for 18 years.


Source: https://connectusfund.org/23-strong-prayers-for-love

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